19 May 2006

New Neighbors

Mr. and Mrs. Duck have moved onto our lawn. They are pictured here crossing the path between Lalor House and the School (as they flee from the Sr. Mary Snapshot).

Life in the Monastery is never boring part III: We usually have a pair of ducks (or, as some of our sisters prefer to say, "a pair of duck") who arrive on campus every spring. This year they have decided to take up residence on the front lawn of Lalor house, which functions as "home base" during our exile.

They seem happy to share their space with the black squirrel family who live in the willow oak and the various other birds who like to bathe in the puddle near where the ducks have begun to settle. Mr. & Mrs. Duck are rather private about their family life but Mother Philomena, biology teacher emerita, suspects that Mrs. Duck may be "heavy with young!" Stay tuned for duck family updates. We may have a whole fleet of new neighbors before long!

St. Francis de Sales didn't have much to say about ducks (bees, yes; ducks, no). He did, however, have a great deal to say about our neighbors and how we treat them. A few thoughts in that vein:

"We should not be like the Paphlagonian partridge which has two hearts, towards ourselves, gentle and loving but toward our neighbor one that is hard and severe. . . . Put yourself in your neighbor's place and him in yours, and then you will judge fairly."

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